Did a Butterfly Fly By?

Did a Butterfly Fly By?
Target text


Read and write words with the long i sound spelled with a y.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • by
  • my
  • fly
  • spy
  • sky
  • butterfly


  • Pictures of a butterfly, dragonfly, fly, bird, and penguin*
  • Action cards*
  • Word-building cards*
  • I Spy a Butterfly target text*
  • Did a Butterfly Fly By? target text*
    *Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
The children will pretend to spy a butterfly fly by and then read and write words with the long i sound spelled with a y, such as fly, spy, try, why, cry, sky, my, and why
Literacy Activities
Spy a butterfly fly by

  • Pretend to be outside looking at the sky.
  • Hold up the pictures of a butterfly, dragonfly, fly, bird, and penguin (all found below) one at a time.
  • Let the children decide if each animal can fly.
  • Have the children write “It can fly in the sky” or “It can not fly in the sky” for each picture.
  • Make comments to emphasize words with the long i sound spelled with a y:
    • I know why a penguin can’t fly.
    • I spy a dragonfly.
    • Oh my! I spy a butterfly in the sky.

Spy action cards in the sky

  • Show children the action cards (found below) and hold them up to the sky.
  • Have the children read the sentence on each card and perform the action.

More Practice 
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds

  • With word-building cards (found below), have the children change the beginning consonant(s) or the ending of a word to form a new word:  
    • Change the beginning consonant(s): fly→ try, my→ by, spy→ why, cry→ sky
    • Change the ending to -ies: fly→ flies, try→ tries, spy→ spies, fry→ fries
    • Change the ending to -ied: try→ tried, spy→ spied, fry→ fried

Read target words in texts 

  • Engage the children in reading the target text I Spy a Butterfly (found below) as a group.
  • Read the text again, fading support.
  • Have the children make a list of the words with the long i sound spelled with y.
  • Repeat with Did a Butterfly Fly By?

Write about the activity using target words and patterns

  • Let the children write about the things they can spy in the sky or animals that can fly or try to fly. 
  • Have them use some of these words: butterfly, dragonfly, spy, fly, by, sky, and try.
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SEEL Target Texts

Did a Butterfly fly by?

Did you see a butterfly fly by?
Did you see a dragonfly fly by?
Did you see a bird fly by?
I saw a butterfly fly by.
I saw a dragonfly fly by.
But I did NOT see a penguin fly by.
Do you want to know why?
Because penguins can’t fly.
I wonder why.

I Spy a Butterfly

Do you see a butterfly in the sky?
I spy a butterfly in the sky.
Do you see a dragonfly?
I spy a dragonfly in the sky.
Have you seen a bird fly?
I spy a bird in the sky.
Have you seen a penguin fly?
I have never seen a penguin fly!
But I would like to watch one try.
And I want to know why a penguin can’t fly.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
